How to recover hacked WhatsApp? If you want to know How to recover hacked WhatsApp? This Blog will guide you. Whatsapp is a worldwide communication tool.
Whatsapp is being used by almost everybody in the present Technology era. The number of WhatsApp users is enormous in today’s age. This is only because WhatsApp is a very good medium of communication.
It provides strong privacy to its users even WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption to its users. This means that the user on WhatsApp Data is encrypted.
The same person can access their data. Even WhatsApp itself doesn’t see its user data. If you are chatting with someone on WhatsApp, your messages and all other data are encrypted. And it is only visible to you and the person you are chatting with. It will be kept safe between the two and no one will be able to see or access it.
But in today’s age of technology, anything is possible. Like other social media platforms, WhatsApp can also be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This means that it’s possible to hack WhatsApp. But one important thing you should keep in mind is that no one can hack WhatsApp directly.
Hacking WhatsApp will be possible only if the user accidentally leaves or gives his data to someone. Only one OTP is required to activate a WhatsApp account on a number. If someone gets that OTP, they can easily use it to activate WhatsApp on their mobile number.
Ways to recover hacked WhatsApp
Suppose your WhatsApp has been hacked then you can follow the following methods to get your account back.
1: Checking Devices
If you are using WhatsApp web or using active WhatsApp on your mobile. And you suspect that someone else is using your WhatsApp account. First, go to WhatsApp settings and check all linked devices. From there you can check all these devices Where your WhatsApp account is logged in.

After that, if you see a device you don’t recognize, remove it from there. Click the Logout from all sessions option to secure your privacy.
2: Two-step verification
One of the features of WhatsApp is that it has a two-step verification option. Now let’s talk about Two-step verification. you can activate this option in your WhatsApp settings. While turning two-step verification on You have to select a 6-digit code. This code will be saved in your mind and no one will know about it. After that, you’ll set up an email address to retrieve your two-step verification code if you forget it.

If this option is turned on after that if you want to activate WhatsApp on any device with your number. You will be asked for OTP along with your two-step verification code. And this is the code that you have selected when turning on Two-step verification.
Only you will know that password because you set it yourself. You Will enter an email address when you turn on two-step verification. This email will be used to retrieve your two-step verification code if you forget it.
3: Whatsapp Hacking
If you don’t have two-step verification enabled. Then a hacker will only need an OTP in gaining access to your WhatsApp account. If he gets the code that comes to your number then he can easily activate WhatsApp on your number. After that as soon as he activates WhatsApp on your number he does two-step verification and turns it on. And chooses his own password in it, which you don’t. After that, he also gives his email address to receive the two-step verification code.
As soon as he activates WhatsApp and you know that WhatsApp is activated on your number. You try to create WhatsApp again. But as soon as you register for WhatsApp, you are asked for the two-step verification code along with the OTP.
And of course, at this point, you don’t know the code because it’s fixed by the hacker. And then, if you click on forget code. It will ask you for the email address that you selected while turning on two-step verification. And this time you don’t know the email address. Because it is Added by the person who set the two-step verification.
In this case, you have only one option: to wait seven days after activation. If you fail to enter your email address, you have to wait for seven days. And when the seven days are up, WhatsApp guides you to reset your two-step code without an email address.
This is possible only after seven days. Before seven days you can’t recover your two-step verification email address.
That’s why you should enable two-step verification on your WhatsApp in advance. So that if someone wants to hack your WhatsApp, he can’t hack it. And if your WhatsApp account has been hacked and you want to deactivate it immediately. Then write an email to WhatsApp stating all conditions. And request the WhatsApp team to deactivate your account so that you do not fall into any problems.
For more information visit Whatsapp Help.
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